Italian Word of the Day:


The adjective spaventoso in Italian is interesting in that it has either a positive or negative connotation depending on how it is used.

The meaning of today's Italian word

In its negative and more traditional sense, it describes anything that causes fright or arouses feelings of terror and bewilderment.

The meaning of today's Italian word

Example sentence:

Ieri ho avuto un incubo spaventoso.

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Last night I had a scary / terrible dream.


But it can also be used hyperbolically to describe something as being incredible, extraordinary, terrific or amazing.

The meaning of today's Italian word

Example sentence:

È spaventoso quanto sia brava Elena!

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It’s amazing how good Elena is!


Spaventoso comes from the noun spavento which means scare or fright.

Origin of the Italian word of the day

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