Italian Word of the Day: Multa (fine / traffic ticket)

The last time I received a multa was when I was driving home, going perhaps five kilometres over the speed limit. The police car was hidden from view by a bend in the road, so he could easily catch anyone in too much of a hurry to reach their final destination. That €60 punishment was …

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Italian Word of the Day: Fine (end)

What better way to bid farewell to what has been a rather trying 2020 than by talking about the word for end in Italian, which is fine (feminine, plural: fini). Both this word and the English word finish can be traced back to the Latin finis of the same meaning. As in English, fine can …

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Italian Phrase of the Week: Va bene. (Fine. / Okay. / Alright.)

If you’ve been living in Italy for any amount of time, you will have surely come across the phrase va bene in conversation! Literally translating as (it) goes well, it can be used as a substitute for the affirmative responses okay, alright or (that’s) fine in English. Mangiamo fuori stasera? – Va bene. Shall we …

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