Italian Word of the Day: Intralcio (hindrance / obstacle)

Italian word "intralcio"

One way of saying hindrance or obstacle in Italian is intralcio. It comes from the verb intralciare which means ‘to hinder’, ‘to hamper‘ or ‘to interfere‘. intralcio hindrance / obstacle Intralcio is a masculine noun that begins with a vowel, so it takes the following definite and indefinite articles: Some common verbs you will see …

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Italian Word of the Day: Intoppo (setback / hindrance)

If you find yourself regularly coming up against stumbling blocks while trying to realise your goals, you’ll definitely find the word intoppo useful! Intoppo is a masculine noun. The plural is intoppi. l’intoppoun intoppo gli intoppidegli intoppi Intoppo, which comes from the verb intoppare (to crash, collide, stumble), describes the act of colliding with an …

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Italian Word of the Day: Impiccio (mess / hindrance)

Italian word "impiccio"

While watching the Italian Netflix drama Suburra, I couldn’t help but notice how many times the word impiccio (masculine, plural: impicci) came up in conversation, probably because the main characters always seem to be in a mafia-related bind of some sort! Impiccio can be translated in many ways in English including hindrance, mess, nuisance, trouble …

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