Italian Phrase: Spero di sì. (I hope so.)

A phrase used in Italian to say that you want something to happen or be true is Spero di sì which means I hope so. Let’s take a moment to break it down into its component parts. Spero di sì. I hope so. Spero is the first-person conjugation of the verb sperare (to hope). In …

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Italian Phrase: Spero che tu stia bene. (I hope you are well.)

The Italian phrase Spero che tu stia bene (I hope you are well) is useful whenever you wish to show concern for another person’s well being. It tends to be used in written communication such as letters, emails and texts rather than in speech just like the English equivalent. Let’s take a quick look at …

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Italian Word of the Day: Speranza (hope)

The word for hope in Italian is speranza (feminine, plural speranze). It bears no relation to the English word but if you understand some French, you’ll notice that it is similar to the word espoir. It is related to the verb sperare meaning to hope. Some other words with the same origin include: speranzoso = …

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