Italian Word of the Day: Soqquadro (disarray / confusion / mess)

Today’s Italian word is soqquadro (masculine, plural: soqquadri), which can translate in a number of ways in English including upside-down, disarray, mess, shambles, cluttered and topsy-turvy, just to name a few! It comes from the expression sotto quadro (lit. under square), which was used by builders to refer to off-kilter or crooked structural elements that …

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Italian Word of the Day: Pasticcio (mess / pie)

The Italian word pasticcio is best translated as mess or muddle in English, and as you have probably guessed, it is used to describe a situation or piece of work that is chaotic, disorganised or poorly executed. It is a masculine noun, so it takes the following definite and indefinite articles: Although the origin of …

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Italian Word of the Day: Impiccio (mess / hindrance)

Italian word "impiccio"

While watching the Italian Netflix drama Suburra, I couldn’t help but notice how many times the word impiccio (masculine, plural: impicci) came up in conversation, probably because the main characters always seem to be in a mafia-related bind of some sort! Impiccio can be translated in many ways in English including hindrance, mess, nuisance, trouble …

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