Italian Word of the Day: Addobbo (decoration / ornament)

Italian word 'addobbo'

The Italian word for the ornaments we hang on the tree at Christmastime is addobbo (or more specifically addobbo natalizio), derived from the verb addobbare, meaning “to adorn, decorate, or deck out.” Because it is a masculine noun beginning with a vowel, it takes the following definite and indefinite articles: Ho comprato degli addobbi da …

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Italian Word of the Day: Soprammobile (knick-knack / ornament)

A blanket term for any decorative or artistic object kept on a shelf or piece of furniture, regardless of its value, is soprammobile (masculine, plural: soprammobili) in Italian. Some possible translations in English are knick-knack, shelf ornament or decorative piece. It is a combination of two words: sopra meaning on top of or above and …

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