Italian Phrase: Cosa vuoi? (What do you want?)

If you wish to inquire about someone’s desires or preferences in Italian, you can always turn to the phrase Cosa vuoi? This expression directly translates to “What do you want?” in English and is commonly used in casual or informal settings to seek information about someone’s wishes, needs, or choices. Cosa vuoi? What do you …

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Learn the Italian Modal Verbs: Volere, Potere, Dovere, Sapere

Italian modal verbs

“Modal verb.” Sounds like a scary grammatical term, doesn’t it? Well, it actually isn’t as fear-inducing as you might think! Modal verbs – known as a verbi servili in Italian – always serve the verb that follows them. Their job is to express likelihood, ability, permission, request, capacity, suggestion, order, obligation, or advice, or in …

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Italian Phrase: Come vuole. (As you wish.)

Italian phrase for "as you wish"

The English expression “as you wish” has a number of possible translations in Italian, but we’ve decided to share the easiest for learners to remember which is Come vuole. Come vuole. As you wish. The literal translation of come vuole is “as you want“. Come means like/as whereas vuole is the second-person formal conjugation of …

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