Basic Italian Phrases:

"Come ti chiami?"

If you’ve just met someone new in Italy, one of the first things you’ll want to find out in order to avoid an embarrassing situation in the future is their name!

Basic Italian Phrases: Come ti chiami?

The most common way to ask What is your name? in Italian in an informal situation is Come ti chiami? which literally translates as What do you call yourself?

Example sentence:

E tu, come ti chiami? – Mi chiamo Giulio

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And you, what’s your name? – My name is Giulio.


If you are talking to someone who is a) much older than you, b) of a higher status, or c) a stranger, the polite form (Lei) come si chiama? is preferred.

Example sentence:

Lei come si chiama? – Mi chiamo Giovanni Agnelli.

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What is your name? – My name is Giovanni Agnelli.


Discover even more ways of asking someone's name in Italian on Daily Italian Words!
