How to Say "Cool" in Italian

6 different ways

Are you interested in discovering six ways to express the word “cool” in Italian? Then keep on swiping!

How to say "cool" in italian: Introduction

Figo / Fico

The most accurate translation for cool is the adjective figo (or fico in some regions). It denotes a person or thing that is considered attractive, interesting, fashionable or popular.

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Forte / Forza

Both forte and forza (which literally mean strong and strength) are acceptable translations for cool when used as a positive exclamation in response to something someone has said.

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Mitico literally means legendary, mythical or mind-blowing but it is often used in the same sense as the word cool in English.

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The word bello is one of those super flexible words in Italian that has numerous English equivalents, and one of them just happens to be cool!

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Fantastico, which means fantastic, is pretty self-explanatory. It can be used for both people and things you find cool.

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Spacca / Spaccano

Two exclamations you’ll often hear used among the young generation are Spacca! or Spaccano!

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