The Meaning of Bellissimo &  Bellissima in Italian

Two words that many people have heard before, even if they aren’t studying Italian, are bellissimo / bellissima. Curious to find out what they mean? Then keep on reading!

Bellissimo is the absolute superlative of bello, a masculine adjective that can translate in numerous ways including beautiful, handsome, nice, lovely, and fine.

The Meaning of BELLISSIMO

The suffix -issimo simply intensifies the meaning of an adjective, much like the English adverb very.

The Meaning of BELLISSIMO

Il ragazzo è bello. The boy is handsome. Il ragazzo è bellissimo. The boy is very handsome.

Example sentences:

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Bellissima is simply the feminine form of bellissimo. It is the combination of the adjective bella and the absolute superlative -issima.

The Meaning of BELLISSIMA

La ragazza è bella. The girl is beautiful. La ragazza è bellissima. The girl is very beautiful.

Example sentences:

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