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How to say Easter Monday in Italian

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Pasqua (Easter) may be over but it's never too late to learn how to say Easter Monday in Italian!


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The word for Easter Monday in Italian is pasquetta, which literally translates as "little Easter". Swipe up to hear the pronunciation!

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More formally, this day is also referred to as:  - Lunedì dell’Angelo (Monday of the Angel) - Lunedì di Pasqua (Easter Monday) - Lunedì dell’Ottava di Pasqua (Monday of the Eight Days  of Easter)

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Ogni anno Pasquetta cade in un giorno diverso da quello precedente. Every year Easter Monday falls on a different day than the previous year.

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Traditionally pasquetta is a day for relaxation in Italy. Many Italian families enjoy packing a picnic filled with Easter Sunday leftovers. These outdoor excursions are called scampagnate in Italian.

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