Italian Word of the Day: Leone (lion)

There are thirty-eight big cat species in the world, but none is quite as iconic as the lion – or leone (masculine, plural: leoni) in Italian. A female lion, or lioness, is called a leonessa, whereas a lion cub can be translated as leoncino (little lion), although you will also hear cucciolo di leone. African …

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Italian Word of the Day: Cavallo (horse)

Italian word for 'horse'

One of the most majestic and well-loved animals in the world is the horse or cavallo (masculine, plural: cavalli) in Italian. Il mio animale preferito è il cavallo. My favourite animal is the horse. A male horse is called a stallone (stallion) whereas a female horse can be called either a cavalla or giumenta (mare). …

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How to Say “Chicken” in Italian – Pollo

The generic word for chicken in Italian is pollo (plural: polli). It can be used to refer to the bird itself or the meat. Ci sono tanti polli in giardino. There are lots of chickens in the garden. Stasera mangiamo il pollo arrosto per cena. We’re eating roast chicken tonight for dinner. When you want …

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How to Say “Cat” in Italian – Gatto

Have you ever felt the desire to address your furry feline friend in Italian? Well, you’ve come to the right place! 😺 The word for cat in Italian is gatto (plural: gatti). Although it is a masculine noun, you can transform it into the feminine gatta (plural: gatte) if you are referring to a female …

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How to Say “Butterfly” in Italian – Farfalla

cover image with the word “farfalla” and a swallawtail in the background

One of the most well-loved creatures on the planet is the butterfly, known as farfalla in Italian. It is a feminine noun, so the definite and indefinite articles it takes are as follows: la farfallathe butterflyuna farfallaa butterfly le farfallethe butterfliesdelle farfalle(some) butterflies If this word sounds strangely familiar, this is because farfalle is also …

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