Conoscere vs Sapere in Italian: What’s the difference?

One of the most insidious obstacles on the way to speaking correct Italian is distinguishing the different uses of the verbs conoscere and sapere which both translate as “to know”. The problem, in its simplest representation, is the following: In this article, we will first examine these two verbs separately, then we will look in …

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Zucchino vs Zucchina – Which is correct in Italian?

A few years back, I remember being in the kitchen with my Italian mother-in-law, helping her prepare a shopping list for the week. The Monday meal was going to consist of her famous zucchini fritters, so I diligently started writing out the word: zucchini… “Zucchini? Don’t you mean zucchine?” she asked, peering bemused over my …

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O vs Oppure – What’s the difference in Italian?

When we are offered a choice between two alternatives, we use the sweet and simple conjunction “or” in English. In the Italian language, there are two possible translations for “or” – o and oppure. But what is the difference between them? While both present a choice between two alternatives, we find it helpful to think …

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Ancora vs Di nuovo – What’s the difference?

Students of Italian often find themselves feeling confused about when to use ancora versus di nuovo since both can be translated with the word “again”. In this article, we attempt to shed some light on the differences in their usage. How to Use “Ancora” in Italian Before we delve into ancora as a translation for …

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