Ciao vs Arrivederci – What’s the difference?

Ciao and arrivederci are two of the most well-known Italian greetings – in fact, even those who have had zero contact with the Italian language before tend to be familiar with these terms. The difficulty for beginners is knowing when it is appropriate to use ciao as opposed to arrivederci and vice versa. In this …

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Italian vs Spanish Language – What are the differences?

Italian and Spanish are both Romance languages developed out from Latin. The two linguistic entities share an extensive vocabulary and even their verb conjugations follow similar rules. Memorising the words and their spelling can be tricky, however, especially for a novice learner, given that some of words are written similarly or in exactly the same …

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Meglio vs Migliore in Italian: What’s the difference?

The reason meglio and migliore are so difficult to use correctly is that both of them can mean better. Migliore, however, can also take the meaning of best. A solution in simple words A ready-to-use explanation to understand when and how to use meglio and migliore can be summed up in the following 3 points. 1. …

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The Difference Between “Tra” and “Fra” in Italian

One of the most frequent “comparison” questions we receive on this website concerns the difference between the words tra and fra in Italian. Tra and Fra – What do they mean? Tra and fra are both Italian prepositions that translate in numerous ways in English including between, among, in, within, away, through and into. Yes, …

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