The Best Italian Series to Watch on Netflix in 2024

Movies offer a straightforward and effective method to enhance your Italian skills, but television series can be even more impactful. They tend to be longer, spanning multiple seasons and offering numerous storylines. This extended format allows for greater immersion in the characters, their dialogue, and the overall linguistic style of the series. In this guide, …

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13 Words for “Money” in the Italian Language

In our day-to-day conversations, money always seems to sneak its way in, right? Whether it’s discussing about something that costs l’ira di dio (literally, a sum that could anger even God!), teasing someone for their braccino corto (short arm, signifying a penchant for thriftiness) or simply engaging in financial discussions, money is a language we …

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8 Ways to Say “I’m Tired!” in Italian

In the Italian language, conveying the feeling of tiredness extends beyond a simple “sono stanco / sono stanca.” Italians are known for emphasising their expressions – often accompanied by distinctive hand gestures – making it challenging for foreigners to grasp every nuance of the language. With that said, let’s delve into some of the commonly …

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The Differences Between Bene, Buono, Bravo & Bello in Italian

These four little words starting with b- are known to most students of Italian from the very beginning of their learning process, and sometimes even before that. At the same time bene, buono, bravo and bello are very easy to confuse and their correct usage, especially during a spontaneous conversation, can take a long time …

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Easter in Italy: From chocolate eggs to unique celebrations!

Easter, known as Pasqua in Italy, stands as a cornerstone of the nation’s festive calendar alongside Christmas. Think of it as a mosaic of traditions, flavours, and spirituality, culminating in joyous celebrations, with schools closing their doors and families eagerly anticipating the reunions that await them. Insieme al Natale, Pasqua è la festa più importante …

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14 Funny Italian Animal-Related Idioms Explained

So, you’re hanging out with your Italian buddies, and suddenly they drop a bombshell by putting a flea in your ear! And just when you thought things couldn’t get any crazier, they start talking about making someone see green rats! Welcome to the wild world of Italian animal idioms! From verbs to adjectives, slang words …

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