Sponsor the Daily Italian Words newsletter

The Daily Italian Words newsletter is one of the most popular newsletters in the sphere of Italian language learning. Every day, we sent an email to over 30,000 people designed to help people improve their Italian vocabulary and language skills.

About the newsletter

Interested in sponsoring the Daily Italian Words newsletter? Great! Here are a few details about the newsletter:

30,000 readers
63-67% open rates
Sent daily from Monday to Sunday
Language learning enthusiasts

Sponsor guidelines

I’m only interested in working with brands that I strongly believe will have a positive impact on our readers. I have a strong preference for partnering with products and services that I use myself. At this time, I’m not accepting sponsors that sell ingestible products (food, drinks, supplements…etc).

Get started!

Our newsletter is part of the ConvertKit Sponsor Network, so everything will be handled by the team at ConvertKit.

If you’re interested in working together, please fill out this form.