Italian Word of the Day: Istruzione (education / instruction)

The Italian word istruzione, in its singular form, generally translates as education, schooling or training in English. You can use it to talk about a) the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, generally carried out in school, or b) that which is learned or studied. It comes from the Latin instructio-onis, a derivative of …

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Italian Word of the Day: Piantagrane (troublemaker / nitpicker)

The word for a pedantic person who raises questions and objections, and causes difficulties or problems over things of little importance is piantagrane in Italian. Some possible translations in English include troublemaker, fault-finder and nitpicker. Piantagrane is the combination of the verb piantare (to plant) and the noun grana, which in addition to meaning ‘grain‘ …

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Italian Word of the Day: Multa (fine / traffic ticket)

The last time I received a multa was when I was driving home, going perhaps five kilometres over the speed limit. The police car was hidden from view by a bend in the road, so he could easily catch anyone in too much of a hurry to reach their final destination. That €60 punishment was …

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Italian Word of the Day: Calabrone (hornet)

cover image with the word “calabrone” and its translation written on a notepad next to a cup of coffee

I’ve been stung by many api (bees) and vespe (wasps) in my lifetime, but I thank my lucky stars that I’ve never been on the receiving end of a calabrone sting! The word calabrone comes from the Latin crabronem of the same meaning. Calabrone is a masculine noun. The plural is calabroni. un calabroneil calabrone …

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Italian Word of the Day: Tormentone (catchphrase / hit song)

cover image with the word “tormentone” and its translation written on a notepad next to a cup of coffee

A tormentone is an expression, catchphrase, buzzword, meme, or piece of music that is repeated ad nauseam via the mass media or word of mouth, gaining rapid popularity and widespread diffusion as a result. Tormentone is a masculine noun, and the plural form is tormentoni. il tormentone un tormentone i tormentoni dei tormentoni It derives from …

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Italian Word of the Day: Zerbino (doormat)

cover image with the word “zerbino” and its translation written on a notepad next to a cup of coffee

Today’s word is zerbino which, as exotic as it sounds, actually refers to the humblest of household objects: the doormat. It comes from the Arabic zirbiy which translates as either rug or cushion. Zerbino is a masculine noun whose plural form is zerbini. Any masculine noun that starts with the letter z in Italian must …

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