The Italian “E” with an Accent – È and É

In Italian, there are three different ways you can write the letter E. Normally it is written in its plain form «e» but sometimes it may be accompanied by an accent – either a grave accent (`) or an acute accent (´). These accents serve a dual purpose in Italian: a) they tell you that …

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Italian Word of the Day: Formicolio (swarm / pins and needles)

Formicolio is the word in Italian for both swarm and pins and needles. Being a masculine noun, it takes the following definite and indefinite articles: Before we attempt to explain the two very different meanings associated with this word, it is important to touch briefly upon its etymology. Formicolio can be traced back to the …

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What Does “Ecco” Mean in Italian?

If you’ve been asking yourself what the word “ecco” means in Italian, you aren’t alone! Ecco is one of those multifaceted words in Italian that learners must use and hear in various situations in order to fully understand the scope of its meaning. Although in many situations you can safely translate ecco with the words …

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How to Move to Italy as an American

Come trasferirsi in Italia da cittadini americani Living “la dolce vita” is a dream held by many people. Some people choose to try to recreate the Italian lifestyle in their home country. Some people are daring enough to pick up their lives and relocate to the source of the sweet life itself. If you fit …

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The Best Places to Visit in Italy for the First Time

I luoghi da non perdere durante il tuo primo viaggio in Italia After years of dreaming and saving, there is one final thing you need to do to prepare for your first trip to Italy: plan your itinerary. Italy is a small country, but surprisingly incredibly diverse. The architecture, landscape, culture, and even the local …

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