The Best of Southern Italy Travel: 8 Unique Places to Visit

the best of southern italy travel

Viaggio nel sud Italia: 8 luoghi unici da visitare Spoiler: you won’t find the usual tourist hotspots like Naples or Alberobello here. Tons of travel guides and articles have already covered these destinations extensively, so I prefer to shine a spotlight on the hidden gems of southern Italy travel.  Spoiler: qui non troverete le solite …

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7 Beautiful Italian Love Quotes for Valentine’s Day

As Dante once wrote, “love moves the sun and the other stars,” illustrating how powerful love can be. It’s not merely an emotion but some kind of cosmic energy shaping our destinies and lighting our paths. Now, for Valentine’s Day, you’ve got a ton of ways to show your love. You could plan a fancy …

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Ring, Ring! How to Answer the Phone in Italian

Answering the phone in a language that’s not your native one can be pretty intimidating, right? It’s just you and the voice on the other end, with no facial expressions or hand gestures to lean on. This takes me back to my first time picking up a call in English – boy, was I a …

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9 Ways to Say “It’s Raining” in Italian

It’s that time of the year when il tempo (the weather) often turns foggy and grey and la pioggia (the rain) makes its appearance, forcing us to seek shelter under un ombrello (an umbrella) or in the protective embrace of un impermeabile (a raincoat). The previsioni del tempo (the weather forecast) may be our guide, …

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11 Useful Tips for Renting a Car in Italy

11 consigli utili per noleggiare una macchina in Italia The burning question that many confront while planning their trip to Italy is whether they should rent a car or not. And this contemplation is well-founded, considering Italy’s incredibly diverse landscape that offers an ideal setting for thrilling road trip adventures. Quando si pianifica un viaggio …

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Key Dog Commands in the Italian Language

Ready to add a dash of Italian flair to your dog training sessions? Picture this: You’re strolling down the street and with a chic Siediti (Sit), your puppy performs perfectly. The cute thing is that you’re not only teaching your furry friend good manners; you’re also embarking on a learning experience where you two explore …

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