Italian Word of the Day: Mucca (cow)

The Italian word for cow is mucca (feminine, plural: mucche). As in English, the word refers to the female of a domesticated breed of ox that produces milk (latte) or beef (carne bovina). To milk a cow in Italian translates as mungere una mucca. Molti allevatori continuano a mungere le loro mucche a mano. Many …

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Italian Word of the Day: Granchio (crab)

The Italian word granchio (masculine, plural: granchi), which means crab, comes from the Latin word cancer of the same meaning. It is from this Latin word that we also get the medical term cancro (cancer), since it was thought at the time that the swollen veins surrounding cancerous tumours resembled the limbs of a crab. …

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Italian Word of the Day: Cucciolo (puppy / baby animal)

The original meaning of the word cucciolo (plural: cuccioli) in Italian was puppy but it has since expanded to include any type of baby animal. If you want to specify which kind of baby animal you are talking about, simply add the preposition di (of) plus the name of the animal after cucciolo. For example: …

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Italian Word of the Day: Ape (bee)

The word for bee in Italian is ape (feminine, plural: api). It comes from the Latin apis of the same meaning. Honeybees (api domestiche or api comuni) live in beehives (alveari) or colonies (colonie) which may consist of as few as 20,000 or more than 100,000 bees. The roles in the hive are as follows: …

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How to Say “Bat” in Italian – Pipistrello

Today’s ‘word of the day’ is part of our Italian Halloween Word series. On the days leading up to Halloween, we’ll post a word that is related to this spooky time of year. Enjoy! 🦇 The Italian word for everyone’s favourite winged Halloween creature is pipistrello (masculine, plural: pipistrelli). It comes from the Latin vespertilio, …

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Italian Word of the Day: Scoiattolo (squirrel)

The word for squirrel in Italian is scoiattolo (masculine, plural: scoiattoli). Both terms can be traced back to the Greek skiouros, which is a combination of skia (shadow) and oura (tail). The diminutive scoiattolino can be used to indicate a small squirrel or a squirrel kitten. When you imagine a typical squirrel, what comes to …

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