The Most Common Adverbs of Frequency in Italian

In our everyday language, adverbs are scattered throughout our speech, but there’s a particular category that stands out for its significance – adverbs of time. Within this category, there exists a subset referred to as “adverbs of frequency,” which holds a pivotal role in conveying the frequency of events. These adverbs provide insight into how …

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How to Use Ci and Ne in Italian

Ci and ne are two small particles that, despite being key elements of the Italian language, often appear arcane, and confuse even those who are no longer beginners. Not only do these particles have several meanings, but they can also be placed in different positions of the same sentence, and they can even (slightly) change …

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6 Ways to Translate “I Wish…” in Italian

In English, we often use the phrase “I wish…” to convey a strong desire or hope for something that is unlikely to happen or is impossible. In Italian, there isn’t a single direct translation for “I wish,” so we have to use a variety of alternative expressions that convey a similar meaning. Below you will …

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13 Italian Phrases and Sayings to Describe Happiness

While happiness encompasses various definitions and remains profoundly subjective, one thing for sure is that it stands as the most potent emotion, one that truly makes life shine. This is precisely why, during moments of immense joy, having a repertoire of Italian phrases and sayings about happiness becomes invaluable for expressing how happy you are. …

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A Hamletic Dilemma: Imperfetto or Passato Prossimo in Italian?

Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to choose At random one tense or the other,Or to take arms against a sea of grammarAnd by mastering it, conquer fluency. Let’s face it, Italian verb tenses can be utterly bewildering for English speakers, especially when it comes to deciding between imperfetto and passato prossimo. Mangiavo or ho mangiato? …

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