LangAI – Practise speaking Italian with an AI chatbot

Do you feel extremely nervous when you have to converse with native Italian speakers? I know I do. Despite having studied the language for over ten years, I still experience sweaty palms and a lump in my throat whenever I find myself speaking to someone new. Today, we will be exploring a language learning app …

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10 Italian Words You Didn’t Know Had Sicilian Origins

Sicilian is an Italian regional dialect that has a long history. It is renowned for being one of the first languages in the Peninsula to be used for literary purposes. The Sicilian Vernacular had its heyday during the XIII century when it achieved great success. The success of Sicilian poetry was so widespread that Tuscan …

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20 Quirky Things Americans Will Never Understand About Italians

No two cultures are entirely the same. While most Western cultures are fairly similar, there are still minor differences that make each culture beautifully unique. Sometimes these differences seem strange or even counter-intuitive to foreigners. For example, Italians struggle to understand why Americans insist on building everything “bigger” in hopes of making it “better.” Americans, …

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15 Traditional Italian Nursery Rhymes and Their Meanings in English

Nursery rhymes are part of everyone’s upbringing, regardless of our cultural background. These rhythmic verses serve as gentle reminders of our early years, and we take pleasure in sharing them across generations. In this piece, we present fifteen widely recognised traditional Italian nursery rhymes that are certain to evoke fond memories, particularly if you grew …

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50 Useful Italian Phrases You Can Use With Your Children Today

Since the day my son was born, I’ve been speaking to him in Italian, despite not being a native speaker of the language. Now that he is three (going on thirteen), I’ve become extremely familiar with the phrases we often repeat to children, whether we intend to or not! In this article, you will find …

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The 45 Most Beautiful Italian Words with a Deep Meaning

What makes a word beautiful? Is it the way it rolls off the tongue, creating a symphony of sounds that resonate with our senses? Is it the vivid imagery it conjures? Or perhaps it is it the power it holds to evoke nostalgia, tugging at the strings of memory and connection to cherished moments? We …

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