The Best Street Food in Naples, Italy

La migliore street food a Napoli Naples is known for various reasons, such as art, culture, and history, among others. However, the variety of cuisine is certainly one of the main attractions. Neapolitan street food is a world waiting to be explored, filled with original and completely local recipes. Let’s take a closer look at …

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10 Famous Italian Songs with Lyrics and Translations

I’ve always found music to be a fun and engaging way to learn a new language. Hence the idea for this article dedicated to some of the most famous Italian songs that can help you improve your vocabulary while learning some interesting stories. Italy has made a significant contribution to the musical landscape with emotional …

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9 Lesser-Known Historic Sites in Italy

9 siti storici meno conosciuti in Italia You’ve all heard about Italian landmarks like the Colosseum and Venice’s canals, so today, let’s explore some of the lesser-known historical sites in Italy. I’m talking about the hidden gems that don’t always get the spotlight in tourist brochures.  Sicuramente avrete sentito tutti parlare di icone italiane come …

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10 Italian Words You Didn’t Know Had Neapolitan Origins

The Italian language, as is well known, is a Romance language and the offspring of the Latin language, following years of evolution over the centuries, from Ancient Rome until the present day. However, like many of the most spoken languages in the world, the Italian language has undergone many changes. It has developed through lexicon …

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6 Ways to Say “Cool!” in Italian

In English, we use the word cool as a blanket slang term for someone whose attitude, behaviour, appearance and style we admire, or something that we find fashionable, interesting or outstanding. There are numerous possible ways to say cool in Italian depending on your own personal style and who or what you are talking about. …

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15 Cute Italian Nicknames for Your Boyfriend or Husband

While we may publicly mock the idea of saccharine nicknames for our partners, let’s admit the undeniable truth: behind closed doors, we all secretly love using those cute nicknames (what we call parole sdolcinate) with our boyfriends. And science has our backs on this one. It turns out that addressing our partner with pet names is a …

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