Review of LingoPie for Italian: Bingewatch your way to fluency!

Being a visual language learner, I’m constantly seeking out new apps that can make the language learning process as effortless and enjoyable as possible. To achieve this, I integrate various forms of entertainment into my daily routine. Ask anyone, and they’ll tell you that I consistently have Radio Italia playing in the background while I …

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“Learn Italian with Art” by My Italian Circle – An Honest Review

When learning a foreign language, it’s vital to concentrate on activities and subjects that genuinely interest us in order to stay motivated. For example, if you’re already an enthusiastic reader like I am, you might wish to incorporate various reading exercises into your study routine. This could include reading uncomplicated short stories in your target …

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LangAI – Practise speaking Italian with an AI chatbot

Do you feel extremely nervous when you have to converse with native Italian speakers? I know I do. Despite having studied the language for over ten years, I still experience sweaty palms and a lump in my throat whenever I find myself speaking to someone new. Today, we will be exploring a language learning app …

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Short Stories in Simple Italian by Serena Capilli – An Honest Review

When you first begin learning a new language, you might be led to believe that your options are limited to traditional methods of study, such as stale grammar books and formal lessons. However, the reality is that there are numerous creative ways to learn in the modern age, right at our fingertips. From educational YouTube …

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Is Duolingo Good for Italian? – My One-Year Review

Although I have always loved Italian, learning the language really became important to me after my daughter met and married an Italian man while working in Torino, Italy. When we first met him his knowledge of the English language was already impressive and since living here in the U.K., he has achieved fluency. At the …

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