Italian Phrase of the Week: Ce la faremo! (We can do it!)

A motivational Italian phrase that has been circulating on Twitter and other social media platforms along with Andrà tutto bene! (Everything will be ok!) and Io resto a casa! (I’m staying at home!) is #celafaremo (ce la faremo). Although the literal translation is we will be able to do it / we will manage, the …

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How do you say “Happy Easter!” in Italian? – Buona Pasqua!

Today’s word of the day is part of our Italian Easter Word series. Each day during the week leading up to Easter, we’ll post a word that is related to this special time of year. Enjoy! 🐰 In English, we greet each other at Easter time by saying Happy Easter! but what about Italians? The …

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Italian Phrase of the Week: Non mi va! (I don’t feel like it!)

Whenever you don’t feel up to doing something, perhaps due to tiredness or simply because you aren’t in the mood, you can use the phrase Non mi va! which roughly translates as I don’t feel like it! / I don’t fancy it! / It doesn’t sit well with me! in English. This expression is made …

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Italian Phrase of the Week: Lavati le mani! (Wash your hands!)

Something all parents must teach their kids as they grow up is the importance of washing one’s hands, which translates as lavarsi le mani in Italian. This clause is made up of three parts: lavarsi (reflexive verb ‘to wash oneself‘) + le (definite article ‘the‘) + mani (‘hands‘) Below you can see the straightforward conjugation …

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Italian Phrase of the Week: Siamo con voi! (We are with you!)

In these times of hardship, people around the world are searching for ways to show solidarity with Italy on social media. In English, the hashtag #WeStandWithItaly has gone viral, but so has its Italian equivalent #SiamoConVoi (siamo con voi) which translates as We are with you. Since many of you are probably unfamiliar with Italian …

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Italian Phrase of the Week: Io resto a casa. (I’m staying at home.)

A hashtag that has been trending on social media across all of Italy is #iorestoacasa (Io resto a casa). It was started in response to people going out and socialising despite the Italian government’s plea to perform social distancing and self isolation during the coronavirus pandemic. In English this phrase can be translated as either …

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