How to Say “North Pole” in Italian – Polo Nord

Today’s word of the day is part of our Italian Christmas Word Advent Calendar series. Each day throughout December, we’ll post a word that is related to the holiday season. Enjoy! It is said that the Santa Claus lives is in an unspecified place at or near the North Pole, which is known as Polo Nord in …

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Italian Word of the Day: Terra (Earth)

The Italian word for the beautiful blue planet we all call home is la Terra (the Earth). It is normally spelled with a capital T in scientific contexts. Terra La Terra gira intorno al Sole. The Earth revolves around the Sun. Terra in its uncapitalised form (plural: terre) may be used to refer to the …

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Italian Word of the Day: Isola (island)

An island – or isola (feminine, plural: isole) in Italian – can be formed in three different ways. The first is when continental plates (placche continentali) collide and push land up above the ocean’s surface. The second is when underwater volcanoes (vulcani sottomarini) continuously erupt in one area, causing land to form. The third is through …

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Italian Word of the Day: Ristorante (restaurant)

When we used to live in Turin, we’d never let a week go by without a trip to one of our favourite local restaurants. After all, there is nothing quite like Italian cuisine! Ristorante (plural: ristoranti) is the Italian word for restaurant and as you can see, the spelling is very similar to the English …

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Italian Word of the Day: Casa (house / home)

They say that home is where the heart is, and this couldn’t be truer in Italy where family always comes first. There is one word in Italian that covers both the words “home” and “house” and that is casa. casa house / home Here are the definite and indefinite articles used with the feminine noun …

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