15 Famous Expressions in Italian

The idioms are common in all languages, and each is inextricably linked to the language itself and the culture of the country from which it originates. This means that Italian expressions are not the same as those in English. In fact, when one has to translate a common saying from one language to the other, it is almost impossible to come up with a literal translation that matches the original meaning. All we can do is find the best interpretation.

With that said, here are some famous expressions in the Italian language that you are guaranteed to hear in daily conversation with friends and family. Enjoy!

famous italian sayings

Cadere a fagiolo

Literal translation: to fall like a bean

Meaning in English: to happen at the right time, just when something is needed

Battere cassa

Literal translation: to beat the cash register

Meaning in English: to ask for money, to come looking for money

Essere al verde

Literal translation: to be in the green

Meaning in English: to be broke

man showing empty pockets

Vuotare il sacco

Literal translation: to empty the sack

Meaning in English: to spill the beans

Avere la faccia tosta

Literal translation: to have the tough face

Meaning in English: to have the cheek/nerve (to do something)

Avere una marcia in più

Literal translation: to have an extra gear, to have a higher gear

Meaning in English: to be a step ahead, to have a leg up, to have the edge (over someone)

Aprire gli occhi

Literal translation: to open one’s eyes

Meaning in English: to open one’s eyes, to realise

Tired young man with stickers on glasses of open eyes.

A occhio e croce

Literal translation: at eye and cross

Meaning in English: more or less, roughly, approximately

Bruciare le tappe

Literal translation: to burn the stages

Meaning in English: to reach a goal earlier than expected, to get somewhere (too) fast, to rush into things

Cambiare le carte in tavola

Literal translation: to change the cards on the table (in the middle of a game)

Meaning in English: to suddenly change the rules

Cercare un ago nel pagliaio

Literal translation: to look for a needle in a haystack

Meaning in English: to look for a needle in a haystack

a needle in a haystack

Dalle stelle alle stalle

Literal translation: from stars to stables

Meaning in English: from riches to rags, to go from a positive to a negative situation

Dare del filo da torcere

Literal translation: to give some string to twist

Meaning in English: to give somebody a hard time, to give someone a run for their money

Dormire tra due guanciali

Literal translation: to sleep between two pillows

Meaning in English: to sleep easy

Happy African American Young Woman Hugging Pillow

Essere al settimo cielo

Literal translation: to be in seventh heaven

Meaning in English: to be very happy, to be in seventh heaven

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