Database of Italian Words and Phrases

Stai cercando una parola in Italiano? (Are you looking for a word in Italian?)

Then you’re in the right place. Below you can find all the ‘words of the day’ and the ‘phrases of the week’ we’ve published. You can use the search box or play with the dropdown menus which allow you to filter by:

  • Language level (Beginner or Advanced)
  • Grammatical words (adjective, verb, etc.)
  • Theme (food, transportation, etc.)
  • Word or phrase

You can use more than one filter at a time. Click on the small “x” next to each filter to reset them.

Keep in mind that the list below will continue to grow as we publish more words and phrases, so don’t hesitate to come back here from time to time. Also make sure to subscribe to our daily newsletter so that you never miss a new word or phrase!

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Grammatical words
Word or Phrase?
...Or just search for a word