10 Borrowed English Words in the Italian Language

We are all well aware that English is abound with words of Italian origin but did you know that Italian regularly borrows from English as well? Italian has a long history of incorporating foreign words into its vocabulary but it is only in recent years that the amount of English vocabulary entering Italian has exploded. …

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Italian Phrase of the Week: Chissà! (Who knows!)

Chissà is an interesting word in Italian because it is an abbreviation of chi lo sa (literally, who knows it). The accent on the à tells you that the stress falls on the final syllable. When used on its own in response to a question, its closest translation is Who knows! or Goodness knows! in …

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Italian Word of the Day: Isola (island)

An island – or isola (feminine, plural: isole) in Italian – can be formed in three different ways. The first is when continental plates (placche continentali) collide and push land up above the ocean’s surface. The second is when underwater volcanoes (vulcani sottomarini) continuously erupt in one area, causing land to form. The third is through …

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Italian Word of the Day: Conoscenza (knowledge)

cover image with the word “conoscenza” and books in the background

Conoscenza, or knowledge in English, is an understanding of facts, information, descriptions, and/or skills which is acquired through experience (esperienza) or education (apprendimento). Conoscenza is a feminine noun and takes the following articles: la conoscenzauna conoscenza le conoscenzedelle conoscenze Ho una buona conoscenza della lingua italiana. I have good knowledge of the Italian language. Conoscenza …

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Italian Word of the Day: Forte (strong)

Italian word for 'strong'

You may already be familiar with the word forte, as it is the term we use in English for a thing at which someone excels (in other words, someone’s strong suit). Although this meaning exists in Italian as well, the primary meaning of forte (plural: forti) is strong. Carlo è forte ma se la tira …

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Italian Word of the Day: Cavallo (horse)

Italian word for 'horse'

One of the most majestic and well-loved animals in the world is the horse or cavallo (masculine, plural: cavalli) in Italian. Il mio animale preferito è il cavallo. My favourite animal is the horse. A male horse is called a stallone (stallion) whereas a female horse can be called either a cavalla or giumenta (mare). …

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