Italian Word for “Family” – Famiglia

Like many other nations, the family plays a central role in Italian culture. The further south you go, the more sacred the concept of family becomes. Famiglia is the translation of family in Italian. It is a feminine noun that takes the following definite and indefinite articles: la famiglia una famiglia le famigliedelle famiglie The …

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How to Say “We” in Italian – Noi

When conjugating a verb in a sentence, the first-person plural, we, translates to noi in Italian. Noi abitiamo in Inghilterra. We live in England. In Italian, the person can often be omitted from the sentence because unlike English, the conjugated verb changes for each person, so it becomes obvious what the subject is. For example, …

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How to Say “I can’t wait!” in Italian – Non vedo l’ora!

If you’re waiting impatiently for something to happen, such as a visit from a friend or the brand new season of your favourite TV show, the best phrase you can use is non vedo l’ora in Italian. The literal translation is I can’t see the hour (I’m too impatient to envision the moment) but it …

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7 Ways to Say Gorgeous in Italian

Gorgeous is a popular adjective used to describe someone who is beautiful or something that is attractive or pleasant. It can also be used as a term of endearment to flatter someone. There isn’t a direct translation for gorgeous in Italian, but there are lots of words that express more or less the same thing, …

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How to Say “Yes” in Italian – Sì

To say yes in Italian, you use two letters and an accent: sì. As in English, it is used both as an interjection and a way to express a positive answer. The grave accent above the i is very important. Without the accent, si becomes a noun or a pronoun. (You can read more about …

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How to Say “Water” in Italian – Acqua

Water is one of the most precious resources we have. 60% of our body is made up of it, and we use it for many things including washing, drinking and cooking. If there is one Italian city that has a close association with water, it is Venice or Venezia as it is known in Italian. …

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