Italian Word of the Day: Gradasso (boaster / show-off)

Orlando Furioso (The Frenzy of Orlando) and its sequel Orlando Inamorato (Orlando in Love) are two of the longest epic poems ever written in the Italian language. And they are packed with hundreds of characters, some of whom are so well-known and influential that their names have made their way into the Italian dictionary! One …

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Italian Word of the Day: Dolciastro (sickly sweet / cloying)

The adjective dolciastro, which derives from the more commonly known adjective dolce (sweet), refers to anything that is sweet in flavour, but not pleasant. Some possible translations include sickly sweet or cloying. Adjectives such as dolciastro always agree with the noun they describe, which means that they have to demonstrate whether they are masculine, feminine, …

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Italian Word of the Day: Scodinzolare (to wag its tail)

Italian verb 'scodinzolare'

You may be as surprised to learn as I was that there is a single verb in Italian that means “to wag its tail” in Italian which is scodinzolare. scodinzolare to wag one’s tail Scodinzolare is a regular -are verb, so it can be conjugated in the following manner in the present tense: (io) scodinzolo …

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Italian Word of the Day: Colibrì (hummingbird)

Today we have a word that I actually heard for the first time while playing the game Memory with my son. The theme of the game was animals, many of which were quite obscure! colibrì hummingbird Colibrì is an invariable masculine noun. Invariable is just a fancy way of saying that its singular and plural …

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Italian Word of the Day: Stento (hardship)

The masculine noun stento in Italian is used to describe a situation of severe suffering or privation, much like the word hardship in English. stento hardship It derives from the verb stentare which translates as to struggle, to find difficult or to scrape by. Because stento begins with the letters st-, it takes the following …

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