Meglio vs Migliore in Italian: What’s the difference?

The reason meglio and migliore are so difficult to use correctly is that both of them can mean better. Migliore, however, can also take the meaning of best. A solution in simple words A ready-to-use explanation to understand when and how to use meglio and migliore can be summed up in the following 3 points. 1. …

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20 Frequently Used Italian Hand Gestures and Their Meanings

As many people know, Italians gesticulate a lot and the gestures they make are never random, but have a very precise meaning. This habit seems to date back to when the Italian peninsula was divided into numerous states and different languages and dialects were spoken. Gestures became a sort of common language, a tool for …

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Italian House Vocabulary – All the most important words you need to know

Today we will look at some basic Italian house vocabulary, which is essential to improve your language skills. Here below you can find a list of the most important words and sentences related to the house (in Italian: casa). We will start from general vocabulary and then treat each room in detail, such as the kind of furniture, appliances, tools and objects can …

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5 Ways to Say “Scary” in Italian

Halloween is just around the corner, so what better word to focus on than the adjective that best embodies the spirit of the holiday: scary. In Italian, there are five principal ways you can translate this word depending on the context. Let’s take a look at them now! 1. Pauroso Pauroso is one of two …

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