A posto vs Apposto vs Apposta – What’s the difference in Italian?

When words sound similar in a language, it is extremely easy to confuse them, especially if you are a learner of that language! Three terms that learners (and sometimes even native speakers) struggle to distinguish in Italian are a posto, apposto and apposta. In this article, our aim is to explain the difference between them! …

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The Most Common Italian Adjectives to Describe a Person

In all languages, including Italian, we can describe a person in two different ways. On one hand, we can describe their physical appearance and on the other, their character. Let’s take a look at how we can do this in Italian using the most common adjectives to describe a person. Describing a person with adjectives: …

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Italian Vowels – What are they and how are they pronounced?

There are two basic types of sounds in Italian, and any language for that matter – vowels and consonants. Consonants are created when you use different parts of your mouth, such as your lips, tongue or palate, to obstruct the airflow. Vowels, on the other hand, are produced when you allow air to flow unobstructed. …

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Learn the Italian Days of the Week & Months of the Year

When travelling around Italy, it is extremely useful to know the days of the week (i giorni della settimana) and months of the year (i mesi dell’anno) in Italian. Even if your Italian is very basic, knowledge of these terms will help you to book appointments, organise outings, and have conversations about when events are …

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10 Popular Italian Nursery Rhymes (Lyrics & English Translations)

In the months leading up to my son’s birth, I made the decision to raise him in Italian, despite being an English mother-tongue who learned Italian as an adult. The desire stemmed mostly from the fact that my husband is part-Italian, but I also wanted to make sure that he had an opportunity I never …

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