Italian Idiom of the Week: Essere buono come il pane (to be good-natured)

Can you think of anything more delicious and soul-satisfying than a freshly baked loaf of homemade pane (bread), still warm from the oven? I certainly can’t! In the Italian idiomatic expression essere buono come il pane (literally “as good as bread”), the goodness of bread extends beyond its taste to represent someone’s kind, loving and …

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Italian Idiom: Fa un freddo cane! (It’s freezing cold!)

Now that we’re well into the depths of winter (inverno), we thought we’d share an idiomatic phrase that is widely used in spoken Italian on freezing cold days. Fa un freddo cane! It’s freezing cold!(Literal translation: It’s dog cold! or It makes a cold dog!) It is made up of the following components: So, why …

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