How to Say “Star” in Italian – Stella

Italian word for 'star'

Gazing up at the sky on a dark clear night, it is difficult not to be overwhelmed by the sheer number of stars that are visible to the naked eye. Sometimes, if you’re lucky and find yourself in a dark area far away from the city lights, you may even catch a glimpse of the …

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The Italian Word for “Mountain” – Montagna

When I moved to Italy to become an au pair in 2008, I decided that instead of flying from London to Turin, I’d take the train. Despite lasting nearly nine hours, the journey was fantastic thanks to the views of the French countryside and the Italian Alps, one of the most stunning mountain ranges I’ve …

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The Italian Word for “Air” – Aria

Air – or aria (feminine, plural: arie) in Italian – is fundamental to all life on earth. Without air, or more specifically oxygen (ossigeno), the human body can only survive for a few minutes before it begins to fail. In addition to being the means by which winged animals and machines fly (volare), it is …

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Italian Word of the Day: Fiore (flower)

The Italian word for flower is fiore (plural: fiori). This word can also be used to refer to a blossom of a tree. It is a fairly popular name for a girl or boy in Italy. il fioreun fiore i fioridei fiori Hai visto quanti bei fiori ci sono sul balcone? Have you seen how …

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Italian Word of the Day: Luce (light)

The most widely known translation for the word luce is light in the sense of the natural agent that makes things visible to the eye. Luce is a feminine noun and takes the following articles: la lucethe lightuna lucea light le lucithe lights delle luci(some) lights Just as in English, it can be used to …

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How to Say “Water” in Italian – Acqua

Water is one of the most precious resources we have. 60% of our body is made up of it, and we use it for many things including washing, drinking and cooking. If there is one Italian city that has a close association with water, it is Venice or Venezia as it is known in Italian. …

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