Avere (to have) is one of the most important words in the Italian language. Not only does it function on its own as a verb but it also forms an essential component of compound tenses such as the passato prossimo (present perfect) and futuro anteriore (future perfect). For this reason, it appears in numerous idiomatic expressions in the Italian language.
Below we’ve listed fifteen of the most frequently used idioms with the verb avere. Some you may recognise due to a similar expression existing in English, whereas others will be completely unfamiliar. We hope you enjoy using them with your Italian friends and family!

1. Avere le braccine corte
Literal translation: to have short arms
English meaning: to be cheap, stingy (because your arms are too short to reach into your pocket for your wallet)

2. Non avere peli sulla lingua
Literal translation: to not have hairs on your tongue
English meaning: to not mince your words

3. Avere molto sale in zucca
Literal translation: to have lots of salt in your pumpkin
English meaning: to be smart, to have common sense

4. Avere gli occhi più grandi dello stomaco
Literal translation: to have eyes bigger than your stomach
English meaning: to have eyes bigger than your stomach

5. Avere un cervello di gallina
Literal translation: to have a hen’s brain
English meaning: to not be very intelligent
Trivia: Interestingly, scientific research has proven that the small head and brain of the chicken (and other birds) is not synonymous with a lack of intelligence. A chicken has the same number of neurones as a small primate. It can remember and share information with other chickens, and it can recognise a face. It can also calculate volume and distinguish various quantities. Source: Corriere

6. Avere il dente avvelenato
Literal translation: to have a poisonous tooth
English meaning: to be full of resentment or to hold a grudge against someone

7. Avere culo
Literal translation: to have ass
English meaning: to be lucky
Note that culo, although a very popular word in the spoken language, is not the most elegant word in Italian to describe the backside. Less vulgar terms include sedere and didietro.

8. Avere un piede nella fossa
Literal translation: to have one foot in the grave
English meaning: to have one foot in the grave

9. Avere la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca
Literal translation: to have a full barrel and a drunk wife
English meaning: to have your cake and eat it too

10. Avere le mani in pasta
Literal translation: to have your hands in the dough
English meaning: to have a finger in the pie, to be involved

11. Avere le mani d’oro
Literal translation: to have gold hands
English meaning: to be gifted in doing things

12. Avere gli occhi foderati di prosciutto / avere le fette di salame sugli occhi
Literal translation: to have eyes covered in ham / to have slices of salami on your eyes
English meaning: not seeing or not wanting to see something obvious

13. Avere un chiodo fisso in testa
Literal translation: to have a nail fixed to your head
English meaning: to be obsessed with something

14. Avere le mani bucate
Literal translation: to have holes in your hands
English meaning: to be a big spender

15. Avere le mani legate
Literal translation: to have tied hands
English meaning: to have your hands tied

Heather Broster is a graduate with honours in linguistics from the University of Western Ontario. She is an aspiring polyglot, proficient in English and Italian, as well as Japanese, Welsh, and French to varying degrees of fluency. Originally from Toronto, Heather has resided in various countries, notably Italy for a period of six years. Her primary focus lies in the fields of language acquisition, education, and bilingual instruction.