Italian Phrase: Cosa fai nella vita? (What do you do for a living?)

If you are curious to know what someone does for a living, the most natural phrase you can use in Italian is:

Cosa fai nella vita?

What do you do for a living?

cosa fai nella vita

The literal translation of this phrase is “What do you do in life?” but it is implied that you are referring to the person’s profession rather than, say, his or her hobbies.

Cosa is a noun that means “thing” but when used as a question word, it means “what”. It is also possible to use the slightly more formal Che cosa which literally means “what thing”.

Fai is the second-person singular of the verb fare (to do / to make). In a more formal context, fai should be substituted with the second-person formal fa and, more often than not, Italians will change the phrase entirely, going with something like the example below. This is because asking “what do you do in life” is more colloquial.

(Lei) che lavoro fa?

What is your occupation?

Nella is a compound preposition – all this means is that it is the combination of a preposition (in this case in = in) and a definite article (in this case la = the).

Finally, we come to the feminine noun vita, which means life. The reason it is preceded by la is because, as a general rule, all nouns must have articles before them in Italian.

Biochemical research scientist working with microscope for coronavirus vaccine development in pharmaceutical research labolatory
Cosa fai nella vita? – Sono uno scienziato. = What do you do for a living? – I’m a scientist.

You can phrase this question in a few other ways too:

  • Che lavoro fai? = What (job) do you do?
  • Qual è il tuo lavoro? = What is your job / occupation?
  • Qual è la tua professione? = What is your profession?
  • Di che cosa ti occupi? = What do you do?

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