Italian Idiom: Gettare la spugna (to throw in the sponge / towel)

In the sport of boxing, boxers, their trainers, or their corner attendants, would throw the sponge or towel used to wipe the boxer’s face into the ring to signal defeat and the end of the fight.

This act produced the idiomatic sayings gettare la spugna (literally “to throw the sponge”) in Italian, and to throw in the towel / sponge in English. In both languages, it means to admit defeat, or to abandon a struggle.

gettare la spugna

to throw in the towel/sponge

gettare la spugna

I miei affari non vanno per niente bene. Sono pronto a gettare la spugna.

My business isn’t going well at all. I’m ready to throw in the towel.

Dedicated athlete feeling pain after exhausting sports training and struggling with himself in locker room.
Marco non è il tipo da gettare la spugna. = Marco isn’t the kind of guy who throws in the towel.

In non-idiomatic Italian, you will hear people use the verbs arrendersi (to give up / surrender) and cedere (to cede / give in). Another common idiomatic expression with the same meaning is darsi per vinto (to give up / surrender).

L’atleta non si dà mai per vinto.

The athlete never gives up.

gettare la spugna

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