How to Say “Friend” in Italian – Amico / Amica

Few things in life are as important as the friendships we forge. Sometimes you may meet a new friend and feel as if you’ve known them all your life, whereas other friendships take much longer to develop. Many friendships are fleeting, while a precious few last a lifetime. How to Say ‘Friend’ in Italian The …

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How to Say “Autumn” in Italian – Autunno

Today is officially the first day of fall (il primo giorno di autunno) in the Northern Hemisphere, so what better word to choose as “word of the day” than autunno itself! The first day of the Autumnal Equinox (equinozio d’autunno) may fall on any day between September 21st and 24th. It is one of two …

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How to Say “I can’t wait!” in Italian – Non vedo l’ora!

If you’re waiting impatiently for something to happen, such as a visit from a friend or the brand new season of your favourite TV show, the best phrase you can use is non vedo l’ora in Italian. The literal translation is I can’t see the hour (I’m too impatient to envision the moment) but it …

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How to Say “Cat” in Italian – Gatto

Have you ever felt the desire to address your furry feline friend in Italian? Well, you’ve come to the right place! 😺 The word for cat in Italian is gatto (plural: gatti). Although it is a masculine noun, you can transform it into the feminine gatta (plural: gatte) if you are referring to a female …

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How to Say “Chocolate” in Italian – Cioccolato

We all know that Italian dishes such as pasta and pizza are pretty special, but did you know that Italians are wonderful chocolatiers as well? In fact, Turin – the city where Mat was born – is known as the Chocolate Capital of Europe, and for good reason! Cioccolato (plural: cioccolati) was first brought to …

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How to Say “Yes” in Italian – Sì

To say yes in Italian, you use two letters and an accent: sì. As in English, it is used both as an interjection and a way to express a positive answer. The grave accent above the i is very important. Without the accent, si becomes a noun or a pronoun. (You can read more about …

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