Italian Word of the Day: Sognare (to dream)

A dream is an involuntary succession of random images, emotions, and sensations that normally occur during the REM (rapid eye movement) stage of sleep when brain activity is at its highest. Sometimes you might wake up from a deep sleep and remember every detail of your dream, whereas other times, they fade from memory as …

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Italian Word of the Day: Luce (light)

The most widely known translation for the word luce is light in the sense of the natural agent that makes things visible to the eye. Luce is a feminine noun and takes the following articles: la lucethe lightuna lucea light le lucithe lights delle luci(some) lights Just as in English, it can be used to …

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Italian Word of the Day: Divertirsi (to have fun)

In Italian, there is a single reflexive verb that can be used to express the concept “to have fun” and that is divertirsi. What is a reflexive verb, you ask? Well, it is any verb whose direct object is the same as its subject. In Italian, these verbs always end in si, with some good …

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Italian Word for “Family” – Famiglia

Like many other nations, the family plays a central role in Italian culture. The further south you go, the more sacred the concept of family becomes. Famiglia is the translation of family in Italian. It is a feminine noun that takes the following definite and indefinite articles: la famiglia una famiglia le famigliedelle famiglie The …

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Italian Word of the Day: Molto (much / many / very)

One of the first words that will enter your survival vocabulary in Italy is molto (plural: molti | feminine: molta | plural feminine: molte). It can mean either much or many depending on whether you are referring to uncountable nouns (such as electricity, water or happiness) or countable nouns (such as apples, dogs or cars). …

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How to Say “Crazy” in Italian – Pazzo

A few months ago, I was coerced into watching the film Free Solo at the cinema and despite being on the edge of my seat the entire time, I have to say I’m glad I plucked up the courage to go! This gripping documentary tells the tale of Alex Honnold and his groundbreaking free solo …

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