Italian Word of the Day: Quindi (so / therefore)

An Italian conjunction that allows you to express a conclusion or a cause-and-effect relationship is quindi. It usually translates as so or therefore in English. Both quindi, and its obsolete twin quinci (hence, thus), come from the late Latin eccum inde ‘from here‘. This locative meaning existed in archaic Italian, much like its Latin counterpart, …

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Italian Word of the Day: Infatti (in fact)

The Italian word infatti is a useful conjunction whose purpose is to confirm, prove or justify a previous statement, much like the English terms in fact, as a matter of fact and indeed. Learn with our video Here is an example that shows how infatti can be used in a sentence. Non mi piace il …

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Italian Word of the Day: Siccome (because / given that / since)

When speaking Italian, it is all too easy to find yourself stuck in the trap of using perché whenever you want to say because. In order to sound more like a native speaker however, it is important to try and expand your vocabulary by learning some common synonyms. One such synonym is siccome which can …

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How to Say “And” in Italian – E

Today we’re going to be talking about a very short yet extremely important word in Italian: e which means and. Just as in English, e can join two nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs or sentences. Ho guardato un film e poi sono andato a letto. I watched a film and then I went to bed. Similarly …

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