Italian Word of the Day: Biscotto (cookie / biscuit)

The Italian word for cookie is biscotto (masculine, plural: biscotti). As you probably guessed, it shares the same origin as the word biscuit. The custom of leaving milk (latte) and biscotti for Santa Claus and his reindeer comes from Germany, where it was once customary to decorate the tree not with decorations but with apples, …

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Italian Word of the Day: Formaggio (cheese)

It is difficult to imagine Italy without conjuring up images of pane (bread), vino (wine), pasta, pizza, and of course, cheese. The generic word for cheese in Italian is formaggio (masculine, plural: formaggi) and as everyone knows, many of the most famous cheeses in the world originate from Italy. In fact, it is estimated that there …

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Italian Word of the Day: Aceto (vinegar)

Vinegar, or aceto as it is known in Italian, has a surprisingly wide variety of industrial and domestic uses due to its mild acidity (acidità). It is a common ingredient in cooking and is also popular as a natural household cleaner (detergente). Spesso uso l’aceto per pulire il lavandino. I often use vinegar to clean the sink. …

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Italian Word of the Day: Vino (wine)

Like food, wine plays a very important role in Italy’s commerce and culture. Mangiare (eating) together is a fundamental part of Italian social life, and whether you’re at a restaurant or someone’s house, a bottiglia (bottle) of wine is always on the table. The word for wine in Italian is vino (masculine, plural vini). As …

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Italian Word of the Day: Pane (bread)

If there is bread on the table, I can’t help myself – I’m going to eat it all, right down to the very last crumb. I’ve been a bread lover since childhood and when I was 3 years old, I refused to eat anything else. Living in different countries has allowed me to taste different …

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How to Say “Chicken” in Italian – Pollo

The generic word for chicken in Italian is pollo (plural: polli). It can be used to refer to the bird itself or the meat. Ci sono tanti polli in giardino. There are lots of chickens in the garden. Stasera mangiamo il pollo arrosto per cena. We’re eating roast chicken tonight for dinner. When you want …

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