Italian Idiom: Essere agli sgoccioli (to be almost over)

Today, we’ll be delving into an idiom that I’ve been meaning to write about for quite some time, but only just remembered to jot down on my “to-do” list yesterday. This idiom is the delightful essere agli sgoccioli! Essere agli sgoccioli To be almost over / at the end Imagine when you take a sip …

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Italian Idiom: A braccio (off-the-cuff / improvised)

Have you ever found yourself in a spot where you had to improvise a speech or speak off-the-cuff? If that sounds familiar, you might want to explore the expression a braccio, which directly translates to “by (the manner of) the arm” but is equivalent to the English expressions “off-the-cuff,” “ad-lib” and “improvised.” The term originates …

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Italian Idiom: Essere sano come un pesce (to be very healthy)

Italian idiom "Essere sano come un pesce"

Do you know someone who exercises everyday, eats a nutritious diet, and maintains a disciplined lifestyle? Well, you could say they are sano come un pesce, an Italian idiom that translates to “as healthy as a fish” in English. This expression is often used to describe individuals who prioritise their well-being above everything else. essere …

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