Italian Word of the Day: Aglio (garlic)

One of the key ingredients in most Italian dishes is aglio, the word for garlic in Italian. A bulb of garlic in Italian is testa d’aglio, which literally translates as a “head of garlic”, and each bulb is made up of a number of spicchi d’aglio (garlic cloves). Pensi che io abbia messo troppo aglio …

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Italian Word of the Day: Domani (tomorrow)

The Italian word domani (tomorrow in English) comes from the Latin de mane whose rough translation is starting from the morning. Domani can be paired with different words that denote the time of day: Domani sera vado da un amico per una cena. Tomorrow evening I’m going to a friend’s house for a dinner. The …

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How to Say “And” in Italian – E

Today we’re going to be talking about a very short yet extremely important word in Italian: e which means and. Just as in English, e can join two nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs or sentences. Ho guardato un film e poi sono andato a letto. I watched a film and then I went to bed. Similarly …

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Italian Word of the Day: Sciopero (strike)

When a group of employees refuses to work as a form of organised protest, this is called a sciopero (masculine, plural: scioperi) in Italian (or strike in English). There are two main ways that you can say to go on strike in Italian: scioperare, the verb from which sciopero derives, and fare sciopero, which literally …

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Italian Word of the Day: Felicità (happiness)

Felicità, the Italian word for happiness, comes from the Latin word felix meaning happy, blessed or lucky. English speakers shouldn’t have any trouble remembering this word if they call to mind the term felicity, a close synonym for happiness. Felicità is a feminine noun that takes the following definite and indefinite articles: Some closely related …

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Italian Word of the Day: Maggio (May)

It’s difficult to believe that we are already well into the month of May, known as maggio in Italian. Maggio is the fifth month of the year (quinto mese dell’anno) according to the Julian and Gregorian calendars. As is the case with all months of the year, maggio isn’t capitalised in Italian as it is …

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