Italian Idiom: Pettinare le bambole (to waste time on something pointless)

Imagine a workplace scenario where there’s a looming deadline, and everyone is scrambling to finish a critical project. However, one employee – let’s call him Marco – is sitting at his desk, meticulously organising paperclips by colour.

In Italian, you could metaphorically describe Marco’s engagement in a pointless and trivial activity as pettinare le bambole, which literally translates to to brush the dolls’ hair.

Italian idiom "pettinare le bambole"

This idiom is used to describe someone who wastes time on a pointless or trivial activity instead of focusing on an urgent or important task. In English, we have a few expressions that convey a similar idea, such as:

  • to twiddle one’s thumbs
  • to faff around
  • to fiddle while Rome burns
  • to flog a dead horse

Other activities that might fall into the category of pettinare le bambole include spending excessive time on the computer doing nothing, wasting hours scrolling through social media posts, or like my son yesterday, digging up stones instead of helping us weed the front lawn!

girl combing dolls hair

Why pettinare le bambole, you might ask? Well, according to, there are two reasons: first, combing dolls’ hair is a repetitive and seemingly pointless activity that little girls often resort to when they’ve run out of other games to play. Second, traditionally feminine activities have historically been undervalued compared to masculine ones, making them seem more trivial.

A very common expression that contains this idiom is:

What’s amusing about this particular expression is that many people substitute pettinare le bambole with numerous other so-called useless activities including:

  • Mica stiamo qui a smacchiare i leopardi > smacchiare i leopardi = to remove spots from leopards
  • Mica stiamo qui a rifarci le unghie > rifarci le unghie = to do our nails
  • Mica stiamo qui a raddrizzare le banane > raddrizzare le banane = to straighten bananas
  • Mica stiamo qui ad asciugare gli scogli > asciugare gli scogli = to dry off the rocks
  • Mica stiamo qui a mangiare le caramelle > mangiare le caramelle = to eat candies
  • Mica stiamo qui a fare biscotti > fare biscotti = to make cookies
  • Mica stiamo qui a far ballare la scimmia > far ballare la scimmia = to make the monkey dance
  • Mica stiamo qui a far attraversare le formiche > far attraversare le formiche = to make the ants cross the street

It’s very common to hear the phrase Vai a pettinare le bambole! shouted at someone who is could be making much better use of their time.

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