Italian Phrase: Non mi viene in mente. (I can’t think / recall.)

Have you ever had someone ask you a question, only to blank out completely even though you know the answer? I know I have!

If you’re faced with this situation in Italian, you can always fall back on the response « Non mi ricordo » which quite literally means « I can’t remember ».

However if you are keen on trying something a little more idiomatic, you can also say:

Non mi viene in mente.

I can’t think / remember.
(Literally: It doesn’t come to mind.)

non mi viene in mente

Asian girl with piercing frowning and looking at camera isolated over blue wall
Non mi viene in mente il titolo del film. = I can’t think of the film’s title.

It comes from the expression venire in mente which means to occur to, to come to mind or to recall.

If you add the words niente or nulla (nothing) onto the end of non mi viene in mente, the meaning becomes « I can’t think of anything » or « Nothing comes to mind ».

Non mi viene in mente niente.

I can’t think of anything. / Nothing comes to mind.

Quite often, the expression is shortened to non mi viene without the addition of in mente.

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