When I first moved to Turin many years ago, I was surprised to discover that not only is Thanksgiving not celebrated in Italy, but also that many Italians have never even heard of the national American holiday. (Looking back, I probably shouldn’t have been so shocked since the celebration is based on the 1621 harvest feast shared by the English colonists and Native Americans!)
Despite this, we still think it is worth learning some Italian Thanksgiving vocabulary, especially if you are part of an Italian-American family that still uses the Italian language at home, or wish to describe the holiday to your Italian friends in Italy.
In this article, you’ll find forty Italian Thanksgiving words we feel are useful to learn if you celebrate this important American holiday. Each word is accompanied by an audio file to help you with the pronunciation. Buona Festa del Ringraziamento! (Happy Thanksgiving!)

L’americano / L’americana
Translation: American

Gli avanzi
Translation: leftovers

Il banchetto
Translation: feast

Benedetto / benedetta
Translation: blessed

Il centrotavola
Translation: centrepiece

La colonia
Translation: colony

Il colonizzatore
Translation: coloniser / settler

Il giovedì
Translation: Thursday

La gratitudine
Translation: thankfulness

Grato / grata
Translation: grateful

Il mais
Translation: corn

Mangiare troppo
Translation: to overeat

Il nativo americano
Translation: Native American

Translation: November
Note: Novembre is a masculine noun, so it takes the article il in phrases such as “il novembre più caldo della storia” (the hottest November in history). In contrast to English, novembre and the other months of the year are always written in lower case unless they appear at the beginning of a sentence.

Il pellegrino
Translation: Pilgrim

Pieno / piena
Translation: full

Il ponte
Translation: long weekend
Note: Ponte literally means “bridge“; Italians often say “fare il ponte” = to take a long weekend

La preghiera
Translation: prayer

Il purè di patate
Translation: mashed potatoes

Il quarto giovedì di novembre
Translation: the fourth Thursday in November

Il raccolto
Translation: harvest

Il raduno di famiglia
Translation: family reunion

Translation: to thank / to give thanks

La salsa ai mirtilli rossi
Translation: cranberry sauce

La salsa di carne
Translation: gravy

Lo spaventapasseri
Translation: scarecrow

La torta di mele
Translation: apple pie

La torta di zucca
Translation: pumpkin pie

La tradizione
Translation: tradition

Le verdure grigliate
Translation: roasted vegetables

La zucca
Translation: pumpkin / gourd / squash
Note: Italians don’t differentiate between pumpkins, gourds and squashes. All three are called zucca.

Heather Broster is a graduate with honours in linguistics from the University of Western Ontario. She is an aspiring polyglot, proficient in English and Italian, as well as Japanese, Welsh, and French to varying degrees of fluency. Originally from Toronto, Heather has resided in various countries, notably Italy for a period of six years. Her primary focus lies in the fields of language acquisition, education, and bilingual instruction.