The 20 Most Common Italian Verbs Ending in -ARE

Italian verbs can be divided into three groups, classified according to the ending of their infinitive forms: -are, -ere and -ire. Today we’re going to take a closer look at the -are group, otherwise known as the “first conjugation”.

How to conjugate -ARE verbs in Italian

In order to conjugate verbs in the -are group, all you have to do is remove the -are ending and replace it with the following suffixes:


first-person singular (I)


second-person singular informal (you)


third-person singular (he/she/it)
second-person formal (you)


first-person plural (we)


second-person plural (you all)


third-person plural (they)

This means that, for example, the verb camminare (to walk) conjugates in the following way:

  • io cammino = I walk
  • tu cammini = you walk (informal)
  • Lui/lei cammina = he / she walks
  • Lei cammina = you walk (formal)
  • Noi camminiamo = we walk
  • Voi camminate = you walk (plural)
  • Loro camminano = they walk

The vast majority of -are verbs are regular, which means that they always follow this pattern to the letter or exhibit a very slight deviation (see examples with the verbs giocare and mangiare further down).

There are however three* irregular -are verbs whose conjugation is at variance with this pattern: andare (to go), dare (to give) and stare (to be/live/stay). Because these irregular verbs are among the most frequently used in Italian, it is crucial to become familiar with their conjugation as quickly as possible. (Don’t worry, we’ve included them on the list!)

Note: the verb fare (to do/make) may look like an -are verb on the surface, but because it comes from the Latin second conjugation verb facere, it is actually considered an irregular second conjugation verb.

Now that we know what constitutes an -are verb, let’s take a look at twenty of the most common Italian verbs with this ending. If you happen to come across a verb that isn’t on this list, just remember that the same conjugation rules apply.

the most common italian verbs ending in are 01

1. Amare

English meaning: to love

(io) amo = I love
(tu) ami = you love (informal)
(lui) ama = he loves
(lei) ama = she loves

(Lei) ama = you love (formal)
(noi) amiamo = we love
(voi) amate = you love (plural)
(loro) amano = they love

Amo il mio cane più di ogni altra cosa.

I love my dog ​​more than anything else.

2. Andare (irregular)

English meaning: to go

(io) vado = I go
(tu) vai = you go (informal)
(lui) va = he goes
(lei) va = she goes

(Lei) va = you go (formal)
(noi) andiamo = we go
(voi) andate = you go (plural)
(loro) vanno = they go

Oggi vado in banca per richiedere un prestito.

Today I’m going to the bank to ask for a loan.

Group of friends standing near the van and discussing the way of their journey
Dove andiamo adesso? = Where are we going now?

3. Arrivare

English meaning: to arrive / to reach

(io) arrivo = I arrive
(tu) arrivi = you arrive (informal)
(lui) arriva = he arrives
(lei) arriva = she arrives

(Lei) arriva = you arrive (formal)
(noi) arriviamo = we arrive
(voi) arrivate = you arrive (plural)
(loro) arrivano = they arrive

Oggi arriva il mio nuovo computer, quello che ho ordinato un mese fa!

Today my new computer is arriving, the one I ordered a month ago!

4. Ascoltare

English meaning: to listen

(io) ascolto = I listen
(tu) ascolti = you listen (informal)
(lui) ascolta = he listens
(lei) ascolta = she listens

(Lei) ascolta = you listen (formal)
(noi) ascoltiamo = we listen
(voi) ascoltate = you listen (plural)
(loro) ascoltano = they listen

Ascolto sempre la musica quando vado a correre.

I always listen to music when I go for a run.

Labrador retriever is resting and listening music.
Il cane ascolta la musica! = The dog is listening to music!

5. Cominciare

English meaning: to start / to begin

(io) comincio = I begin
(tu) cominci = you begin (informal)
(lui) comincia = he begins
(lei) comincia = she begins

(Lei) comincia = you begin (formal)
(noi) cominciamo = we begin
(voi) cominciate = you begin (plural)
(loro) cominciano = they begin

Forza ragazzi, cominciamo a lavorare!

Come on guys, let’s start working!

6. Comprare

English meaning: to buy

(io) compro = I buy
(tu) compri = you buy (informal)
(lui) compra = he buys
(lei) compra = she buys

(Lei) compra = you buy (formal)
(noi) compriamo = we buy
(voi) comprate = you buy (plural)
(loro) comprano = they buy

Compra il latte quando torni per favore. Non ce n’è più.

Please buy some milk when you come back. It’s all gone.

Woman buying big basket of vegetables at food market
La signora compra della verdura. = The lady buys vegetables.

7. Dare (irregular)

English meaning: to give

(io) do = I give
(tu) dai = you give (informal)
(lui) dà = he gives
(lei) dà = she gives

(Lei) dà = you give (formal)
(noi) diamo = we give
(voi) date = you give (plural)
(loro) danno = they give

Mi dai un passaggio fino a casa?

Will you give me a ride home?

8. Entrare

English meaning: to enter / to go inside

(io) entro = I enter
(tu) entri = you enter (informal)
(lui) entra = he enters
(lei) entra = she enters

(Lei) entra = you enter (formal)
(noi) entriamo = we enter
(voi) entrate = you enter (plural)
(loro) entrano = they enter

Prego, entrate pure. Vi preparo un buon tè caldo.

Please, come in. I’ll make you a nice warm tea.

Happy couple entering church, beautiful bride in white wedding dress and handsome groom near church entrance going to wedding ceremony
Lo sposo e la sposa entrano in chiesa. = The groom and the bride enter the church.

9. Giocare

English meaning: to play (a game or sport)

(io) gioco = I play
(tu) giochi* = you play (informal)
(lui) gioca = he plays
(lei) gioca = she plays

(Lei) gioca = you play (formal)
(noi) giochiamo* = we play
(voi) giocate = you play (plural)
(loro) giocano = they play

* As we mentioned in the introduction, certain regular -are verbs deviate slightly from the pattern. In this case of giocare, an ‘h‘ has been inserted into giochi and giochiamo to preserve the hard ‘c‘ in front of i.

I bambini giocano sempre insieme.

The children always play together.

10. Guardare

English meaning: to watch

(io) guardo = I watch
(tu) guardi = you watch (informal)
(lui) guarda = he watches
(lei) guarda = she watches

(Lei) guarda = you watch (formal)
(noi) guardiamo = we watch
(voi) guardate = you watch (plural)
(loro) guardano = they watch

Stasera guardo un po’ di tivù. Non ho voglia di uscire.

Tonight I’ll watch a bit of TV. I don’t feel like going out.

Young couple stopping to look at the views of the city while doing trail
Guarda che vista meravigliosa! = Look at the magnificent view!

11. Imparare

English meaning: to learn

(io) imparo = I learn
(tu) impari = you learn (informal)
(lui) impara = he learns
(lei) impara = she learns

(Lei) impara = you learn (formal)
(noi) impariamo = we learn
(voi) imparate = you learn (plural)
(loro) imparano = they learn

Sto imparando a suonare il violino. Non è mica facile, sai?

I’m learning to play the violin. It’s not easy, you know?

12. Lavorare

English meaning: to work

(io) lavoro = I work
(tu) lavori = you work (informal)
(lui) lavora = he works
(lei) lavora = she works

(Lei) lavora = you work (formal)
(noi) lavoriamo = we work
(voi) lavorate = you work (plural)
(loro) lavorano = they work

Questi ragazzi lavorano con tanto impegno.

These guys work with a lot of dedication.

Close up on carpenter's hands that work with cutter
Il falegname lavora il legno. = The carpenter works the wood.

13. Mangiare

English meaning: to eat

(io) mangio = I eat
(tu) mangi* = you eat (informal)
(lui) mangia = he eats
(lei) mangia = she eats

(Lei) mangia = you eat (formal)
(noi) mangiamo* = we eat
(voi) mangiate = you eat (plural)
(loro) mangiano = they eat

* As we mentioned in the introduction, certain regular -are verbs deviate slightly from the pattern. In the case of mangiare and all verbs ending in -giare, -ciare and -sciare, the diacritic i disappears from the stem if the ending starts with an i or e (e.g. mangi NOT mangii / mangiamo NOT mangiiamo).

Che cosa mangiamo per cena stasera?

What are we going to eat for supper tonight?

14. Pagare

English meaning: to pay

(io) pago = I pay
(tu) paghi* = you pay (informal)
(lui) paga = he pays
(lei) paga = she pays

(Lei) paga = you pay (formal)
(noi) paghiamo* = we pay
(voi) pagate = you pay (plural)
(loro) pagano = they pay

* As we mentioned in the introduction, certain regular -are verbs deviate slightly from the pattern. In this case of pagare, an ‘h‘ has been inserted into paghi and paghiamo to preserve the hard ‘G‘ sound in front of i.

Oggi vado alla posta a pagare le bollette.

Today I’ll go to the post office to pay the bills.

Hand of a Caucasian male pressing a banking card to a point-of-sale terminal at the counter of flower store
Il signore paga con il bancomat. = The man pays with the debit card.

15. Parlare

English meaning: to speak / to talk

(io) parlo = I speak
(tu) parli = you speak (informal)
(lui) parla = he speaks
(lei) parla = she speaks

(Lei) parla = you speak (formal)
(noi) parliamo = we speak
(voi) parlate = you speak (plural)
(loro) parlano = they speak

Non si parlano più da mesi oramai.

They haven’t talked to each other for months now.

16. Pensare

English meaning: to think

(io) penso = I think
(tu) pensi = you think (informal)
(lui) pensa = he thinks
(lei) pensa = she thinks

(Lei) pensa = you think (formal)
(noi) pensiamo = we think
(voi) pensate = you think (plural)
(loro) pensano = they think

Penso a te giorno e notte!

I think about you day and night!

Pensive african american young man leaning on his hands and looking down, thinking about something, closeup portrait, copy space.
A che cosa pensi? = What are you thinking about?

17. Stare (irregular)

English meaning: to stay / to be / to live

(io) sto = I stay
(tu) stai = you stay (informal)
(lui) sta = he stays
(lei) sta = she stays

(Lei) sta = you stay (formal)
(noi) stiamo = we stay
(voi) state = you stay (plural)
(loro) stanno = they stay

Oggi sto a casa. Ho un sacco di compiti da fare.

Today I’m staying at home. I have a lot of homework to do.

18. Tornare

English meaning: to return / to go back

(io) torno = I return
(tu) torni = you return (informal)
(lui) torna = he returns
(lei) torna = she returns

(Lei) torna = you return (formal)
(noi) torniamo = we return
(voi) tornate = you return (plural)
(loro) tornano = they return

Tornate a casa! Il tempo sta peggiorando.

Go back home! The weather is getting worse.

Man Traveling, standing up and looking through the window, holding his phone with earphones in his ears
Il signore torna a casa. = The man is heading home.

19. Trovare

English meaning: to find

(io) trovo = I find
(tu) trovi = you find (informal)
(lui) trova = he finds
(lei) trova = she finds

(Lei) trova = you find (formal)
(noi) troviamo = we find
(voi) trovate = you find (plural)
(loro) trovano = they find

Lo trovo strano che non ti abbia ancora richiamato.

I find it strange that he hasn’t called you back yet.

20. Visitare

English meaning: to visit

(io) visito = I visit
(tu) visiti = you visit (informal)
(lui) visita = he visits
(lei) visita = she visits

(Lei) visita = you visit (formal)
(noi) visitiamo = we visit
(voi) visitate = you visit (plural)
(loro) visitano = they visit

Oggi, i ragazzi visitano la città e si fermano a mangiare in centro.

Today, the kids are going to visit the town and stop to eat downtown.

Young Asian traveler visiting a square in Macau city
La ragazza visita la città. = The young woman visits the city.

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