Italian Proverb: Natale con i tuoi, Pasqua con chi vuoi!

Italian proverb "Natale con i tuoi, pasqua con chi vuoi"

Today, I propose we veer away from idiomatic expressions and delve into a well-known Italian proverb closely tied to the Easter season: Natale con i tuoi, Pasqua con chi vuoi. Natale con i tuoi, Pasqua con chi vuoi! This proverb suggests that while spending Christmas (Natale) with your parents is important, Easter (Pasqua) allows for …

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Italian Word of the Day: Natale (Christmas)

Christmastime is upon us yet again, and if you are studying Italian, you may well be wondering what Christmas is called in Italy! Natale/na·tà·le/(masculine noun) Christmas Unlike the English word Christmas, there is no explicit mention of Christ, but instead a direct reference to his birth (nascita). Indeed, the etymology of the term Natale can …

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Italian Phrase: Natale è arrivato! (Christmas is here!)

Last year we taught you how to say the traditional holiday greeting Buon Natale! (Merry Christmas!), so this year we’re going with something a bit different! The Italian for Christmas is here! is Natale è arrivato! which literally translates as Christmas has arrived! It is made up of the following components: Natale >> The word …

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How to Say “Merry Christmas! / Happy Christmas!” in Italian (Buon Natale!)

Today’s phrase is part of our Italian Christmas Word Advent Calendar series. Each day throughout December, we’ll post a word or phrase that is related to the holiday season. Enjoy! Americans greet one another with Merry Christmas! whereas the British tend to prefer Happy Christmas! but what about Italians? The Italian Christmas greeting you will hear most …

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