Italian Idiom: Rompere il ghiaccio (to break the ice)

Italian idiom 'Rompere il ghiaccio'

Today, let’s explore an Italian idiom that conveniently has a direct counterpart in English, making it quite straightforward to remember if you can recall the words constituting the idiom! Rompere il ghiaccio To break the ice Breaking the ice, or rompere il ghiaccio in Italian, refers to the action of doing or saying something to …

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Italian Idiom: Essere in gamba (to be very capable)

The widely used Italian idiom essere in gamba is used to describe someone who is exceptionally skilled, intelligent, competent, or capable. Some common English translations include: essere in gamba to be very capable Literally translated, it means “to be on the leg,” suggesting the idea of being on one’s feet and ready to take on …

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Italian Idiom: Prendere una cantonata (to mess up / make a blunder)

Picture yourself speeding down a street, and at an intersection, you find yourself having to make a sharp turn to avoid a collision with the building on the corner. If you do end up hitting that corner, it’s safe to say you’ve made quite a significant mistake. From this very scenario arises the idiomatic expression …

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