Italian Word of the Day: Spicciolo (loose change)

Spicciolo (masculine, plural spiccioli) is the word for loose / spare / small change in Italian. It derives from the verb spicciolare which means to pick off or to change (a sum of money) into (a different currency or denomination). Hai qualche spicciolo da darmi? Do you have any spare change you can give me? …

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Italian Word of the Day: Senno di poi (hindsight)

Senno di poi is how you would say hindsight in Italian. As in English, it refers to the ability to evaluate or comprehend an event, but only after it has happened. Senno (masculine) means judgement / sense / wisdom, whereas poi is the word for then / later on / after, so the expression literally …

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Italian Word of the Day: Perla (pearl)

The Italian word for pearl is the similar sounding perla (feminine, plural: perle). It is thought that both derive from the Latin perna (leg), so called for the leg-of-mutton shape of the mollusk shells from which they originate. Pearls broadly fall into three categories: natural pearls (perle naturali / vere), cultured pearls (perle coltivate) and …

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Italian Word of the Day: Strofinaccio (rag / cloth / dish towel)

The word for any piece of cloth used for drying dishes or for household cleaning is strofinaccio (masculine, plural: strofinacci) in Italian. If we break it down into its component parts, we can see that it is composed of the verb strofinare (to rub) and the pejorative suffix -accio which denotes something bad or unattractive. …

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Italian Word of the Day: Ritrovo (meeting place / haunt)

Ritrovo (masculine, plural ritrovi) is the word for meeting place, haunt, or hangout in Italian. More specifically, it refers to a place where several people meet on a regular basis to chat amicably, or to entertain themselves with a common interest. It comes from the verbs ritrovare (to find again / to recover) and ritrovarsi …

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Italian Word of the Day: Successo (success)

The Italian word for success is the similar sounding successo (masculine, plural: successi). Both words can be traced back to the Latin word “successus” of the same meaning. The expression avere successo (lit: to have success) translates as to be a success or to be successful. Although avere is by far the most common, you …

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